Interview with Barbara Wilder

By Joy and Success (other events)

Thu, Mar 26 2020 1:00 PM EDT Thu, Apr 2 2020 2:00 PM EDT

I have the pleasure of interviewing Barbara Wilder. She is a wonderful spiritual leader and I am sure you will love this free interview. Below is a her bio.  After the interview I will send out the video to all who registered.

Barbara Wilder is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, author, speaker, and healer.  In her groundbreaking book, Money Is Love, which is considered one of the foundational works of the Sacred Economics movement, she showed us how to reconnect money to the sacred feminine and transform it into an agent for both personal and global prosperity.  Her second book, Embracing Your Power Woman, enthusiastically endorsed by Deepak Chopra, Shirley MacLaine, Caroline Myss, Jean Houston, and many others, is a sacred journey for women to connect with their Divine Feminine power and step up into leadership roles to co-create a new sustainable society in which we all will thrive. Her forthcoming book, Creating a Sacred Marketplace, is a bridge into the new Love-based Economy.  Her books, workshops, meditations, and coaching practice have helped thousands of people around the world realize their dreams.